put-, puta-, -pute, -puter, -puting, -putate, -putation, -putative
(Latin: putatus past participle of putare: to think over, consider, reckon, count; to trim, prune, lop, cut, clean, clear, unmixed)
From Latin, puto-, putare: literally; especially of trees, "to lop, to prune" and "to cleanse, to clear"; then (1) "to clear up, to settle"; especially, of accounts; (2) "to reckon, to estimate, to value"; (3) "to consider, to hold, to believe, to think".
1. A narrative or record of events.
2. A report relating to one's conduct: "She gave a satisfactory account of herself."
3. A formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transactions.
4. A precise list or enumeration of financial transactions.
5. Money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use.
6. A customer having a business or credit relationship with a firm.
7. Worth, standing, or importance: "He was a landowner of some account."
8. Profit or advantage: "She turned her writing skills to good account."
9. Etymology: Middle English, from Old French acont, from aconter, "to reckon" from a-, "to" (Latin, ad-) + cunter, "to count, to tell"; from Latin computre, "to sum up"; from com, "with, together" + putare, "to think".
2. A report relating to one's conduct: "She gave a satisfactory account of herself."
3. A formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transactions.
4. A precise list or enumeration of financial transactions.
5. Money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use.
6. A customer having a business or credit relationship with a firm.
7. Worth, standing, or importance: "He was a landowner of some account."
8. Profit or advantage: "She turned her writing skills to good account."
9. Etymology: Middle English, from Old French acont, from aconter, "to reckon" from a-, "to" (Latin, ad-) + cunter, "to count, to tell"; from Latin computre, "to sum up"; from com, "with, together" + putare, "to think".
account (verb), accounts; accounted; accounting
1. The situation of being liable or answerable for something: Jane's mother was hoping that her daughter would show accountability and responsibility for her conduct while being the president of her class.
2. The responsibility to someone or for some activity: Parents must demonstrate accountability for their children.
3. An official procedure in educational institutions of holding schools and teachers responsible for students' academic progress: Such accountability involves joining the progress of educatees or learners with the financial resources for salaries, maintenance, etc.
2. The responsibility to someone or for some activity: Parents must demonstrate accountability for their children.
3. An official procedure in educational institutions of holding schools and teachers responsible for students' academic progress: Such accountability involves joining the progress of educatees or learners with the financial resources for salaries, maintenance, etc.
accountable (adjective), more accountable, most accountable
1. Subject to the obligation to report, to explain, or to justify something; being responsible; answerable: Mr. Smith, John's teacher in school, is accountable for teaching up to the best of his ability.
2. Capable of being explained; explicable; explainable: The delay in naming the winners of the sports contest were accountable, if considering the importance of the president's speech at the graduation ceremony.
2. Capable of being explained; explicable; explainable: The delay in naming the winners of the sports contest were accountable, if considering the importance of the president's speech at the graduation ceremony.
accountably (adjective), more accountably, most accountably
Descriptive of how someone is liable or responsible for his or her actions: When the teacher asked who had caused the big mess in the classroom, Jack reacted accountably when he said that he was answerable for the chaos.
1. Someone who maintains and audits business accounts.
2. Somebody who takes care of the business records of a person, or organization, and prepares forms and reports for tax or other financial purposes.
2. Somebody who takes care of the business records of a person, or organization, and prepares forms and reports for tax or other financial purposes.
1. Someone who reckons, calculates, gives help to, or renders a report or a description of an event or experience.
2. A person who delivers a commentary accompanying a movie, a broadcast, a piece of music, etc.
2. A person who delivers a commentary accompanying a movie, a broadcast, a piece of music, etc.
amputate (verb), amputates; amputated; amputating
1. To cut off a projecting body part, a limb, or other appendage of the body; especially, in a surgical operation: Robert’s little finger had to be amputated because he hurt it severely while chopping some wood with an axe.
2. Etymology: from the Mid-16th century Latin amputat-, past participle of amputare, "cut around" from ambi-, "around" plus putare "to cut".
2. Etymology: from the Mid-16th century Latin amputat-, past participle of amputare, "cut around" from ambi-, "around" plus putare "to cut".
1. The surgical removal of all or sections of an arm, a leg, an organ, or another part of the body: While cutting the hedge with an electric trimmer, Margarete had a terrible accident and an amputation of her hand had to be performed by a surgeon.
2. Traumatic or spontaneous loss of a limb, organ, or part: The most common indication for an amputation of an upper jointed appendage is severe trauma and it may be the result of a cancerous growth, infection, or gangrene.
2. Traumatic or spontaneous loss of a limb, organ, or part: The most common indication for an amputation of an upper jointed appendage is severe trauma and it may be the result of a cancerous growth, infection, or gangrene.

A person who removes or cuts off a part of or all of the limb of the body: An amputator is a physician who has specialized in surgery: Joseph Lister was a famous English amputator who used antiseptics for the first time when operating on patients.
Someone who has had an appendage of the body cut off: After having his leg below the knee amputated because of gangrene, Ralph, the amputee, received an artificial replacement that allowed him to be quite mobile after rehabilitation.

A very fast computer made from biochemical substances instead of conventional materials: The calculations of biocomputers are performed using biological processes instead of semiconductor technology.
1. The facility to make a calculation or reckoning by purely mechanical means: Little Tommy tried out the computability of his abacus to finish his math assignment.
2. The capability of a computer or calculator to make estimations or do accounting: In order to figure out and organize her payments, Joan was convinced of the computability of her laptop to get perfect and satisfactory results.
2. The capability of a computer or calculator to make estimations or do accounting: In order to figure out and organize her payments, Joan was convinced of the computability of her laptop to get perfect and satisfactory results.
computable (adjective), more computable, most computable
Relating to that which can be reasonably determined: Hank was able to calculate the computable odds of winning the football game.
computable general equilibrium, CGE (s) (noun); computable general equilibriums, computable general equilibria (pl)
A top-down model of the economy that includes all of its major components and markets, and the relationships between them: Computable general equilibrium consists of economic models of microeconomic programs in multiple markets of one or more economies, solved computationally for equilibrium values or changes because of specified policies.
Related cutting-word units: cast-; castrat-; -cise, -cide; -ectomy; mutil-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.